CONSULTATIO Leistung: IT Consulting

IT consulting


The IT sector is undergoing fundamental transformation. New innovative products and shorter lifecycles present Chief Information Officers (CIO) with new challenges:

These include:


  • Improving IT efficiency and IT organization
  • Specifications
  • Steering and controlling major IT transformation projects, also using agile project management approaches
  • Implementing modern SAP-based ERP, CRM and eCommerce solutions


Our focus

Project support

At frequent intervals it becomes necessary for an organization to upgrade existing software products to a newer version or to introduce an entirely new software system. These changes present special challenges for a company, its employees and its external consultants, particularly when such functions as bookkeeping, payroll or materials management are involved.

Our experts will help you and your company during this transitional phase by taking over the project management and ensuring that the transition runs as smoothly as possible.


Data protection

From sole traders through to corporations, from freelancers through to doctors, lawyers and architects – all companies that process personal data are affected. Likewise, clubs and associations must also comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Yet the requirements of the GPDR on the processing of personal data frequently presents data controllers with problems. The required measures could necessitate fundamental changes to internal processes, documents, contracts, general terms of business, etc. Our consultants are at your side when it comes to implementing the relevant data protection laws.

A workshop with our experts will make your organization GDPR-ready! After just a few hours you will have obtained an overview and also an understanding of the details of the necessary organizational measures and processes. In addition, we will equip you with the necessary documentation. Now it will be easy to take the next step and make your organization GDPR-compliant.


Data analysis

Digitalization creates a flood of data. And it is growing day-by-day. Innovative approaches are needed to convert screeds of unstructured data into informative findings that culminate in better business decisions. The CONSULTATIO team will help you exploit big data strategically and individually.

Our enormous wealth of experience combined with our data pool means we are the optimal partner to do this. We are not only able to process data efficiently, but also compress information into usable findings and integrate this process in your operations. Your data can generate real added value!


Your specialists

Christoph Schillinger
Christoph Schillinger
Managing Partner | Tax Advisor
Peter Kopp
Peter Kopp
Managing Partner | Certified Public Accountant, Tax Advisor, CVA

Better be safe.