Christoph Schillinger BA ist Spezialist in der Wirtschaftsprüfung, Sonderprüfung und Risikoberatung. Zudem ist er Fachbuchautor, Fachvortragender für gemeinnützige Bauvereinigungen, Chairman of the Nexia business group "Risk Advisory" und Certified ESG advisor & Certified cryptocurrency auditor

Christoph Schillinger

Managing Partner
Tax Advisor

Tel: +43 1 27775-254

E-Mail: christoph.schillinger(at)


Your specialist for auditing, assurance and risk advisory

Author and lecturer for non-profit building societies

Chairman of the Nexia business group "Risk Advisory"

Certified ESG advisor, Certified cryptocurrency auditor


Languages: German, English, Italian

Education: HAK, business studies, tax advisor

Hobbies: travelling, IT, innovation-oriented

Whoever wants to get fit, has to take a few steps.